We have submitted an application to Marine Scotland for Section 36 consents and Marine Licences for the optimised Seagreen Alpha Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) and Seagreen Bravo OWF.
The application is for similar, but improved, designs of the currently consented wind farm projects in the same sea area, based on fewer, larger, higher capacity wind turbines than currently consented and including a monopile foundation option.
This will allow us to take advantage of advances in turbine design and monopile construction since Seagreen Alpha OWF and Seagreen Bravo OWF were originally consented in 2014.
The application is supported by a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report, including a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Report which has been completed in accordance with the Scottish Ministers Scoping Opinion in September 2017 and subsequent detailed consultation with key stakeholder bodies.
A Non-Technical Summary is provided within the EIA Report to summarise the detailed assessments provided in the EIA Report technical chapters. Seagreen's aim has been to ensure that, wherever possible, the optimised design delivers wind farm projects that have effects which are no greater than those identified in the original design consented in 2014.
Copies of the applications, including plans, together with a copy of the Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) Report discussing Seagreen Wind Energy Limited’s proposed developments in more detail and presenting an analysis of the environmental implications, are available for inspection, free of charge, during normal office/opening hours at:
Angus Council Montrose Access Office, Town House, High Street, Montrose, DD10 8QW
Arbroath Library, Hill Terrace, Arbroath, DD11 1AH
Carnoustie Library, 21 High Street, Carnoustie, DD7 6AN
Dundee Central Library, The Wellgate, Dundee, DD1 1DB
The documents will be available for viewing during the public consultation period which runs until 6/11/2018.
The full EIA Report can also be viewed online here and at http://marine.gov.scot/ml/seagreen-phase-1-offshore-windfarm-project.
The EIA Report NTS is available for download here.
The consents application cover letter is available here.
Public Notices will be placed in the following newspapers to advertise the application:-
The Scotsman Dundee Courier Arbroath Herald Montrose Review Edinburgh Gazette
The Public Notice is available here.