Seagreen Wind Energy Ltd (Seagreen), a joint venture partnership formed by SSE Renewables Developments (UK) Ltd and Fluor UK Ltd, has submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) to Angus Council for an amendment to the underground cable route that was granted Planning Permission in Principle, by Angus Council on 5 December 2013 (Application Ref. 13/00496/PPPM).
The PAN gives notice that Seagreen intend to submit a new application for planning permission in principle for an amendment to the approved route in the vicinity of Balhungie Farm. The new route is being proposed in order to avoid an area of polytunnels, following feedback from the landowner.
The nature of the development which is proposed (underground export cables, cable joint bays and ancillary works) is identical to that forming part of the existing planning permission and it is only the route of the underground cables which will change. The proposed alternative route runs east – west across the field to the south of the polytunnels and the existing farm reservoir.
Once across the Buddon Burn the route runs northwards before rejoining the original route adjacent to Balhungie Farm. The proposed new section of the route will link to the overall cable route between Carnoustie and Tealing which is required to connect the Seagreen Alpha and Seagreen Bravo offshore wind farms to the national electricity transmission network (grid).
A drop-in public consultation event was held on Wednesday 27th August 2014 at the Royal British Legion Club in Carnoustie to allow local residents and stakeholders to view the details of the proposed application and provide feedback on our plans before a Planning in Principle Application is submitted to Angus Council towards the end of September 2014.