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Carnoustie Golf Links and Seagreen secure Voluntary Land Agreements

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

SSE Renewables is delighted to confirm that it has reached a voluntary land agreement with Angus Council, Carnoustie Golf Links Management Committee (CGLMC), and other key landowners to allow the development of the underground cable route to Tealing substation for the Seagreen offshore wind farm.

The 1,075MW project, which is still subject to a Final Investment Decision, is located 27km off the coast of Angus at its nearest point. When completed it will be Scotland’s single largest source of renewable energy, providing a significant contribution to Scotland’s net-zero ambition and enough clean, renewable energy to power up to 1 million homes.

John Hill, Seagreen’s Project Director, said: “We’re delighted to have reached this agreement as we are very conscious of the importance of Carnoustie Golf Links to the Angus economy. We’re very grateful to the Carnoustie Golf Links Management Committee and Angus Council for their constructive approach to these discussions and we look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with them in the future.

“Seagreen will provide Scotland, and the wider UK, with critical green infrastructure. This agreement is a further step forward in progressing what will become Scotland’s largest offshore wind farm, helping to meet Scotland’s net-zero targets and tackle climate change, while also protecting Carnoustie’s place as a world leading golf destination and host for major championship golf.”

SSE Renewables will provide full information online of the planned cable installation programme once the detail has been finalised and will advertise the location and availability of this information in due course.


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