In September 2018 Seagreen submitted an application to Marine Scotland for Section 36 consents and Marine Licenses for the optimised Seagreen Alpha Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) and Seagreen Bravo OWF. This application would allow Seagreen to take advantage of the advances in wind turbine design since the project was originally consented in 2014. The application was for similar, but improved designs of the currently consented wind farm projects in the same sea area, based on fewer, larger, higher capacity wind turbines. The application also included a monopile foundation option.
Additional Information in the form of an Addendum to the EIA Report submitted in support of the Optimised Application submitted in September 2018 has now been submitted to Marine Scotland in May 2019.
This addendum contains only an update to information in relation to ornithology assessments. All information provided in relation to project technical parameters and all environmental topic assessments, other than ornithology, remain as per the information provided within the EIA Report for the consents application submitted in September 2018.
The revised ornithology Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) concludes that no significant collision or displacement impacts are predicted on any species due to the optimised Seagreen project alone or cumulatively with any other relevant projects. The revised ornithology Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) concludes that the optimised Seagreen Project, both alone and in-combination with other plans and projects, is predicted to result in no adverse effects on the integrity of European sites.
As agreed with Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team, Seagreen will advertise the publication of this Addendum for two consecutive weeks in the following publications:
Edinburgh Gazette
The Scotsman
Montrose Review
Arbroath Herald
Dundee Courier
Copies of the Additional Information will be available for inspection, free of charge, during normal office/opening hours at:
Angus Council Montrose Access Office, Town House, High St, Montrose, DD10 8QW
Arbroath Library, Hill Terrace, Arbroath, DD11 1AH
Carnoustie Library, 21 High Street, Carnoustie, DD7 6AN
Dundee Central Library, The Wellgate, Dundee, DD1 1DB
To view the documents within the Addendum click here.